AUP students by the Seine.
CM5002 Brands and Belief
BA/CM5049 Issues in Contemporary Brand Management
Engage in meetings with major corporations in Stockholm that have revolutionized global digital branding like Spotify and H&M. Visit the Brehns School of Communications, the Dean of which is an AUP alumna, and work with students on common branding projects, and understand the Swedish approach to postmodern branding.
Led by Professors Waddick Doyle and Tanya Elder
Trip cost: €995
(includes round-trip air transportation, hotel accommodations with breakfast, on-site transportation,
entrance fees, guided visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT)
Last day to register/cancel: September 10, 2023 • Late cancelation fee: €995
Payment for study trips must be made no later than September 22 for the Fall 2023 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program Office and Student Accounting Services.