AUP student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.

George and Irina Schaeffer Center

The Convoy Guest Lecture with Beata Umubeyi Mairesse

University Room: Omid & Gisel Kordestani Rooftop Conference Center (Q-801)
6 rue du Colonel Combes 75007
Monday, April 14, 2025 - 17:00 to 20:00

Prize-winning novelist and short-story writer Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse’s memoir documents and reconstructs her escape, at the age of fifteen, from the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

The Convoy reflects on the act of bearing witness and the value hidden in fragments of the past. Thirty years on from the genocide, Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse was able to find and listen to many of the people who played a role in securing her safety: men and women of exceptional courage.

Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse was born in Butare in Rwanda in 1979. She was fifteen when she survived the genocide against the Tutsi. She settled in France and has become a writer. Her first novel All Your Children, and Scattered and Consolée, her second, were both applauded by critics and booksellers and won prizes.


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