Join us this Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 26, at The American Church in Paris for a traditional feast amidst the bustle of Parisian life.
What to Bring
We will provide the turkeys and many other Thanksgiving treats, but ask that students bring a small side dish to share, whether a dessert, cheese, salad, vegetables, etc.; simply choose a dish to contribute when you sign up below.
The Freshman Class and The Office of Student Development co-sponsor this annual event. It is open to all AUP students and faculty, as well as members of the Parisian community. All help is welcome! If you would like to contribute to the event or have any questions, please contact our Freshman Class representative, Amelia Harvey, at, or Student Development at studentaffairs
Beyond the Meal
The spirit of this Thanksgiving is to develop bonds within our AUP community and to appreciate the immense opportunities we have been given. In that spirit, we will promote two charities during the evening:
Donate to Baytna a Vous now
La Chorba is a non-profit humanitarian organization based in Paris that organizes soup kitchens among other projects. “Chorba” is an Arabic word for soup, often used in national cuisines across the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. Students will be asked to participate in a supermarket drive Thanksgiving weekend, so come prepared to donate your time for this worthy cause. Contact ecs
Sign Up for Thanksgiving Dinner is now closed. Thanks.