AUP student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.

SGA Charity Week: Pre-Marathon Social

Amex Café | 6 rue Colonel Combes | 75007 Paris
Friday, March 27, 2015 - 18:30

The SGA Charity Week will draw to its end with a Pre-Marathon Social in the Amex. Taking place the evening before the 7K Run in the 7th, the Madagascan charity AJMJTO will join us to talk to about Madagascar, the work they have been doing there, and how the 7k run in the 7th helps. Join us for traditional Madagascan food, followed by live music in the Amex.

AJMJTO is an association that provides for school children on an island off the coast of Madagascar by building schools and raising the necessary funds to maintain them with running water and electricity.