The dream apartment view for any student living in Paris.
The first weeks at the start of a semester are always filled with excitement, anxiety, and the rush of new potential and opportunity. After a great Orientation week this Fall semester that welcomed one of our largest classes in recent history, we asked our students to highlight the early weeks of their lives at AUP through the #FirstWeeksAUP social media campaign. Students posted their daily lives and peak moments at AUP and gave us tremendous access to their interesting activities and AUP experiences. They tagged themselves during AUP-related study trips in September, such as London, Bordeaux, and Venice, as well as taking a break on the Champs de Mars after classes.
After careful deliberation, the winner of the #FirstWeeksAUP is Racine Coote and the FirstBridge 2 Class: Reading Ourselves and Others in Bourdeaux, led by Profs. Daniel Medin and Herve Vanel. Congratulations, Instastars!
Racine will receive a 10 Euro Gift Card to Starbucks as well as the chance to take over the official AUP Instagram story board for a full day. You are the lucky “Instastar”, who will be able to showcase your life at AUP to the greater student body and Alumni network on AUP’s official Instagram account.
To view the rest of the #FirstWeeksAUP entries, visit
For Orientation photos