Global Justice in and Through Education
AUP students by the Seine.
Contemporary political philosophers and philosophers of education tend to focus on theorizing the interconnections between the concepts of education and justice at the level of the nation-state. The workshop explores the implications of shifting this level of analysis from the national to the global level. It considers how to conceive of global educational justice and examines the role of education in fighting global injustices.
18h00-19h30: Harry Brighouse (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Keynote Lecture
“There’s No Such Thing as a Private School”
Opening Remarks: Julian Culp (AUP)
09h30-10h45 Alejandra Boni (Universitat Politècnica de Valencia)
“Epistemic Injustice: What’s the Role for Higher Education? Insights from the Capability Approach”
Discussant: Oliver Feltham (AUP)
10h45-12h00 Johannes Drerup (Universität Koblenz-Landau)
“Global Citizenship Education, Global Educational Injustice and the Postcolonial Critique”
Discussant: Jula Wildberger (AUP)
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-14h45 Juan Espíndola (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexico City)
“Low-Fee Private Schools and Educational Justice”
Discussant: Peter Hägel (AUP)
14h45-16h00 Jennifer Morton (City College of New York)
“The Elite Education Wager for the Developing World”
Discussant: Maria Bach (AUP)
16h00-16h30 Coffee Break
16h30-17h45 Danielle Zwarthoed (Université catholique de Louvain)
“Autonomy Education Beyond Borders”
Discussant: Philip Golub (AUP)