Dear AUP Parents and Families,
Thank you profusely for the lovely notes you sent in response to my letter last weekend, and for all the support you offered us and are giving to your children. Needless to say, every one of your children, our students, is well aware that the unfolding of the social movement of the Gilets Jaunes, as well as the violence that instrumentalized it last Saturday in central Paris, is still very much on the minds of every French citizen, as well as those of us who are guests in France. It remains likely –whatever the response of the government– that the manifestation will continue next weekend. We fervently hope that the government will negotiate with representatives of these groups so that the intensity of the confrontation will lessen. The manifestation is likely, again, to take place only on Saturday, and should be over and cleaned up by Sunday. We are currently waiting for the government to give guidelines, after which we will communicate extensively with students to provide clear and consistent instructions for avoiding any congested areas.
Let me reassure you that AUP has numerous safety systems in place for crisis communication, as well as teams that spring into action should a response to events require it. All students have –or should have– the International SOS app on their phones, which can be programmed to "push" messages to them about events occurring in Paris. They can also signal for help if they need it with a swipe of their finger. Information about this was distributed during Orientation and we repeat instructions periodically. Please check that your child has downloaded the app and is using it. The second way we communicate with students is via mass texts that go directly to their cell phones. This is the method we used last Saturday when we advised them to stay home. Please encourage your child to make certain we have his or her current cell number in our system. Without that, they cannot receive update or emergency messages from us.
We are putting in place several measures which will evolve over the course of the week, depending on whether the situation resolves, clarifies, or intensifies.
Thursday evening, at 6 pm, we will be holding an information session in the AMEX for all curious and/or concerned students. We will be inviting them to come learn more about the movement itself, and also how to stay safe during the Gilets Jaunes demonstration next weekend. Representatives from the Student Development Team will be there to support students who may be feeling anxious or worried.
Friday, the Student Development Team will send students (and parents) an email with the latest news and advisory from the French Government and the US Embassy, along with our suggestions for how to prepare.
Over the course of the weekend, we will be communicating with students via our mass texting system.
Warmest regards to each of you,
Celeste Schenck