Olympics 2024:

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Coexist: Culture and Conflict

Israel: Law, Social Justice and Civil Society


Susan Perry & Sharon Weill (History & Politics): Israel: Law, Social Justice and Civil Society  

Professors Susan Perry and Sharon Weill led a six-day study trip for ten AUP students to Israel in late October 2019, focusing on the theme of Law, Social Justice and Civil Society. Students visited Jerusalem and Haifa. In this funding cycle, students produced a short documentary video of the trip, which was completed as part of Professor Weill’s PO5012 Civil Society. AUP students were introduced to the civil society peace dialogue in three cities – Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv, including visits with the Jerusalem Women’s Center (an Israeli-Arab center for peace activism), a special briefing at Israeli Supreme Court, an NGO specializing in migration issues in Haifa, and an NGO specializing in inter-community human rights education in Tel Aviv, to name a few. Students filmed interviews with peace activists and lawyers dedicated to social justice in a country that is increasingly divided.