The dream apartment view for any student living in Paris.
For the fifth year running, AUP hosted its annual Giving Day on Thursday, November 17, 2022. It was once again a successful day of fundraising in support of AUP’s global explorers – the name given to the kind of globally minded students the University exists to educate. This year, 160 donors gave over €34,000 in support of student scholarships, study trip grants and other important philanthropic priorities.
AUP is immensely grateful to all those members of its worldwide community who gave this Giving Day; their commitment to supporting AUP students and, through them, AUP’s uniquely global liberal arts education is vital to increasing economic diversity among our already culturally diverse student body.
In addition, we would like to extend a special thank you to those community advocates who shared the #MakeParisPossible message across the world via email, social media or simple word of mouth. The day saw several matching gifts and challenges set by community members generate significant support. Others shared the campaign link with friends and colleagues to increase the campaign’s reach and bring more potential supporters to the fold.
To express our community’s collective gratitude, more than 200 AUP students, staff and faculty stopped by the #MakeParisPossible campaign booth on Giving Day. There, they could learn more about scholarship support at AUP and write out thank you cards to our generous donors. More than 50% of our students benefit from some form of financial aid; this was reflected in student enthusiasm when thanking donors on Giving Day.
Though Giving Day is over for another year, there’s still time to support scholarships at AUP. To learn more about scholarship programs or to give to the University today, visit