Students on a theater trip in Iceland.
HI1016 History of the Middle East II
ME2091 Refugees and Migrations in the Middle East
FR/LI2060 Introduction to Linguistics
PY/LI3035 Psycholinguistics
Minors in Linguistics
This trip will allow students to discover different dimensions of the cultures of Sicily and explore some aspects of the layers of its history that have shaped the identity, architecture, food, language, and dialects of its inhabitants. Students will visit sites and meet with intellectuals from Palermo to better understand the roles and the characteristics of their city, its interaction with different Mediterranean cultures (especially Spanish and North African ones), the preserved Muslim-Normand style of many of its monuments, and the Renaissance influence on its evolution and its attachment to the rest of Italy.
Led by Professors Rebekah Rast & Ziad Majed
Trip cost: €830
Includes round-trip transportation to destination, hotel accommodations with breakfast, local visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT.
Last day to register/cancel: Jan. 21, 2024 • Late cancelation fee: Full cost of trip
Payment for study trips must be made no later than Jan. 21 for the Spring 2024 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program Office and Student Accounting Services.