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Your Wi-Fi Access

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ITS Want to Hear Your Feedback

Dear AUP Community Members,

We understand the importance of a reliable Wi-Fi connection for your academic and professional activities, and we want to provide you with an update on recent improvements to our network infrastructure.


Over the past summer, we performed a comprehensive renovation project to enhance our Wi-Fi services. We replaced all access points and upgraded the Wi-Fi management system to ensure a more robust and reliable network. (click here for more information)

Recent Challenges:

Since the beginning of the semester, some of you may have experienced disruptions in your Wi-Fi connectivity. After thorough investigation, we identified and resolved a firmware-related issue with our supplier. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we worked to address this concern promptly.

External Factors:

We have observed an increase in the use of third-party VPNs among our users. Using external VPN services on campus can cause connection issues on your device. We recommend avoiding the use of third-party VPNs to maintain a smooth connection with the Wi-Fi system. Examples of 3rd party VPNs are NordVPN, ExpressVPN, ProtonVPN, Surfshark, etc…

Moving Forward:

Your feedback is invaluable to us. To help us better understand your experiences and make further improvements, we invite you to participate in a brief (2 minutes) satisfaction survey on the following link

We are committed to providing you with the best possible Wi-Fi services, and your input will guide us in addressing any lingering issues. Thank you for your understanding and collaboration as we work together to enhance your connectivity experience at AUP.

 If you have any immediate concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact our IT support team at itservicesataup.edu