AUP graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.
Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet will be drawing from their recent book publications and work in progress.
Josiane Jouet: is Professor emeritus, université de Paris Panthéon-Assas. Her most recent book is Numérique, féminisme et société, (Presses des mines, collection Sciences sociales, 2022)
Andrea Press is Andrea Press is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology and Media Studies at the University of Virginia, and was the Executive Director of the Virginia Film Festival. Her most recent book is Media-Ready Feminism and Everyday Sexism (SUNY 2021). She is visiting Professor at AUP summer 2023.
The event will be hybrid, @AUP and on Zoom
RSVP and questions, contact: