AUP graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.


Psychological Transformations/Transformational Psychology

University Room: Omid & Gisel Kordestani Rooftop Conference Center (Q-801)
Monday, September 30, 2024 - 18:30


In this talk, I would like to offer a retrospective summary of my intellectual journey within the wide and fragmented fields of Psychology and their relations with other disciplines as both an academic and practitioner and what might be described as a socially engaged intellectual. I deliberately adopted an insider/outsider position in-between both the “familiar and unfamiliar worlds” since my very beginnings in the discipline, and have formed Transformational Psychology as a conceptual matrix to find (my own) way in social practice, it would be my priority and sincere pleasure to take this opportunity to entertain any possible reflections from the audience interactively.

Speaker Biography 

Aydan Gülerce received her BA and MA degrees in Psychology from Hacettepe University, her doctorate in Clinical Psychology as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Denver, her practicum at the Mount Sinai Psychiatric Services of CUNY, and postdoc psychoanalytic training at the New York Postgraduate Centre for Mental Health, has held an appointment in Boğaziçi University. Since then she also has been visiting scholar at various institutions, including  Jean Piaget Archives, NCU at Chapel Hill, Rutgers, Columbia, NYU, Clark, Aalborg, and Oslo universities. Her research interests and publications cover a wide range, attending various intra-/trans-disciplinary issues that concern psychological phenomena and psychodynamic, critical, cultural, historical, political, meta/theoretical, and philosophical discourses.