Students on a theater trip in Iceland.
The first talk in our AI@AUP Speaker series, which will explore generative AI from the perspectives of a range of disciplines.
The speaker is AUP's Claudia Roda, Professor of Computer Science, UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights (with Susan Perry), and Director of AUP’s Masters’ program in Human Rights and Data Science.
Her talk is entitled ‘AI and Education, one more tool or a revolution?’. The talk will explore the current and historical development of generative AI: What is Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Generative AI, and what is at stake in the major historical debates in the AI community? How has that community imagined the societal impact, the question of regulation, and structures of governance for AI? And what might this mean for the field of education?
The event is a hybrid event - you can register to attend by zoom through this link.