AUP students by the Seine.
Join Roman Zinigrad (AUP) and other experts on the right to education for a webinar on "Abidjan Principles 6th Anniversary: Unpacking the Legal Foundations and Justifications". The webinar will focus on the Guiding Principles on the Human Rights Obligations of States to Provide Public Education and to Regulate Private Involvement in Education (The Abidjan Principles), and the impact of this document on international and domestic law in the past six years.
Meghan Campbell
Deputy-Director, Oxford Human Rights Hub
Jacqueline Mowbray
Associate Professor, University of Sydney
Law School
Dr Perekeme Mutu
Research Assistant
Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
Dr Maria Ron Balsera
Executive Director, CESR
Dr Roman Zinigrad
Assistant Professor of Law, American University of Paris
Aya Douabou
Programme Officer
Africa, GI-ESCR
Ashina Mtsumi
Coordinator for the Tax & Education Alliance, ActionAid International