AUP students by the Seine.
SC1030 Astronomy
DS2065 Data Science II: Theory and Practice
DS5065 Data Science II: Theory and Practice
CS2040 Computer Programming II
The Study Trip during AUP Spring Break will guide you through the wonders of Japan, the way Japanese thinks about the origin of life, of mind, and of the universe. We will visit astronomical observatories and conduct some observations where Japanese astronomy made a lot of contributions to understanding the universe. We will visit the science museum run by Ryōji Noyori, a Nobel laureate in catalyzed hydrogenation who believes strongly in the power of catalysis and of green chemistry and a sustainable science for development. We will also visit temples and contemplate how one can unify ourselves and the universe through religion and meditation. Not but not least, we explore the Manga world, one that has influenced our childhood memory so much. The trip is guided by professors who used to live in Japan, therefore we will have a lot of chances to interact with local Japanese.
Trip cost: €2,200
Includes round-trip transportation to the destination, hotel accommodations with breakfast, a group meal, local visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT
Last day to register/cancel: January 19, 2025 • Late cancelation fee: Full cost of the trip
Payment for study trips must be made no later than January 31 for the Spring 2025 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program Office and Student Accounting Services.