Ann Mott

Assistant Professor, Director, The Writing Lab

  • Department: Academic Resource Center
  • Complementary Department(s): Comparative Literature and English

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Professor Mott joined the Department of Comparative Literature and English at the American University of Paris (AUP) in 1985 and has taught a variety of composition and literature classes in the English writing and FirstBridge programs.   Mott is the Director of the University’s Writing Lab and a Board Member Emeritus of the EWCA (European Writing Centers Association).  Mott remains active in cultivating links among Writing Center practitioners across Europe and beyond and in creating a forum for bridging international models of Writing Center theory. She has helped to organize and host EWCA conferences in Turkey, Greece, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Israel, the Emirates, Bulgaria, and at AUP.  Mott regularly presents professional papers on topics ranging from Writing Identities in the Pluricultural Classroom and Classroom Environments as Centers of Writing, to Freshmen and a Culture of Writing and global visions of Writing Center practice, Her research interests include 20th century Southern writers and composition theory, particularly process pedagogy. Professor Mott has received a Board of Trustees Distinguished Teaching Award as well as two Student Service Awards from the SGA “For her exemplary service to the student body of The American University of Paris.”


  • MA (1972–1973), University of Alabama
  • BA (1968–1972), University of Alabama


  • “Arm in Arm in Arm: how can campus partnerships inform learning spaces, creativity, and student success?“-  a paper delivered at the AMICAL conference, the American University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017.  
  • “Reclaiming and (Re)centering the Craft of Writing: Writing Centers Raise the Bar.” Situating, Sustaining, and Serving: MENAWCA Keynote Address. American University of Sharjah Press, 2011.
  • “Classroom Environments as Centers of Writing.” Foreign Language Opportunities in Writing. U of Lodz Press. 2009.
  • “Poor Lucy Winter.” Scissors and Tooth.  Paris: AUP. 2008.
  • “Out! Out! Damn Block!” Scissors and Tooth. Paris, AUP. 2008.
  • “Reflections from a Risk Taker.” Scissors and Tooth. Paris, AUP. 2006.
  • “Bridging the Gap.” TESOL Quarterly. September, 1987.

Conferences & Lectures

  • “Blending the Styles:  Exploring Students’ Views on the Merging of the Creative with the Academic” – panel discussion at EATAW, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2019.
  • "How Do We Make Writing Centers Matter to Bilingual Communities?” – a paper delivered at the EWCA Spring Seminar, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.
  • “Freshmen in the Balance: Writing to Learn, Learning to Write” – a paper delivered at the EWCA Conference, Halkidiki, Greece, 2005.
  • “On the Road to Sustainable Excellence: Communicating across the Curriculum” – a paper delivered at the American University of Cairo, Egypt, 2005.
  • “Beyond Anxiety: Turning Writer’s Block into Building Blocks” – a paper delivered at the EWCA conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
  • “Writing Identities in the Pluricultural Classroom” – a paper presented at the Conference for College Professors of Composition and Communication, New York, 2007
  • "What we talk about when we talk about writing' - a paper delivered at the 1st Athens International Writing Centers Conference:  Revisioning Tomorrow’s Writing Center: Roles, Practices, Audiences.  Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece, November 9 - 10, 2007.
  • “Why Writing Centers Matter.” – a plenary speech delivered at the International Conference on Teaching Academic Writing, Ivan Franko National University, L’viv, Ukraine, 2008.
  • “Classroom Environments as Centers of Writing” - a paper delivered at the FLOW Conference (Foreign Language Opportunities in Writing), University of Lodz, Poland, 2009
  • Conference host and organizer: EWCA 2010. Crossing national boundaries and linguistic borders: (Re)Thinking and (Re)Situating the Writing Center and WAC Connection in Europe and Beyond. The American University of Paris, May 24 - 28, 2010.
  • “Reclaiming and (Re)centering the Craft of Writing:  Writing Centers Raise the Bar.” Keynote address. 2011 Conference Resource Archive, U of Sharjah Press, February, 2011
  • "Out! Out! Damn Block" - a paper delivered at the EATAW Conference (European Association for the Teaching of Academic English), University of Limerick, Limerick Ireland, June 20, 2011.
  • "Tutor Training: Best Practices" - a paper delivered at the EWCA Conference. Creating Communities of Collaboration:  Writers, Learners, Institutions.  The American University of Bulgaria, May 4 - 8. 2012.
  • "Promoting a Dynamic Culture of Writing" - a paper delivered at Israel's Second International Conference on Academic Writing, the MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel, July 31 - August 1, 2012.
  • "Growing Writers, Growing Writing: Freshmen and a Culture of Writing" - a paper delivered at EATAW 2013.  Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. June 27 - 29, 2013.


  • EWCA, European Writing Centers Association; Chair and member of Executive Board
  • IWCA, International Writing Centers Association, EWCA rep to Executive Board
  • NCTE, National Council of the Teachers of English
  • EATAW, European Association for the Teachers of Academic Writing
  • TESOL France

Research Areas

Professor Mott's interest in former Writing Lab tutors has led her to engage in a research project that will look at both the long and short-term effects of being an undergraduate and graduate WL tutor at The American University of Paris. Her goal is to assess the value of peer tutoring on the tutors themselves, and to learn more about the ways they may have put their training and experience to work on the job and in their life.

Awards, Fellowships and Grants

  • Board of Trustees Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2008
  • Board of Trustees Distinguished Teaching Award, 2010
  • SGA Faculty Award, 1997, 2006

Curriculum Vitae