Herve Vanel

Associate Professor

  • Department: Art History and Fine Arts

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Professor Vanel specializes in mid-twentieth century art and has published on a diverse range of artists and topics, including the work of Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon, Roy Lichtenstein and the experimental practice of John Cage. He is the author of Le Parti Commoniste: Roy Lichtenstein et l’art pop (ed. Carré, 2013) and Triple Entendre: Furniture Music, Muzak, Muzak-Plus (University of Illinois Press, 2013) and edited the exhibition catalog Warhol Unlimited, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2015-2016, which he co-curated. Vanel is particularly interested in interdisciplinary methodologies, and expects to motivate students in developing a form of rigorous creative and critical understanding of contemporary art and its history.



Doctorat / PhD, Universite de Paris I - Pantheon Sorbonne.


Recent Publications:

“Fauteur de trouble: Raymond Hains et la Biennale de Venise” in Raymond Hains: Venice, Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris / Berlin, 2018. [French/English]

“Cybernetic Bordello (Nicolas Schöffer’s Aesthetic Hygiene),” in France and the Visual Arts since 1945: Remapping European Postwar and Contemporary Art, EPCAF (European Postwar and Contemporary Art Forum), Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Epcaf book series, AC Books., 2018. 

“L’intranaute (Notes on James Turrell),” Exhibition catalogue, James Turrell: It Becomes Your Experience, Spring 2018, Musée d'Art de Nantes. [French/English]

“This is Fear of Death,” in Francis Bacon/Bruce Nauman. Face à face, (Cécile Debray, ed.) exhibition catalogue, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, July 1st-November 5, 2017, Suresnes, Couleurs contemporaines, Bernard Chauveau editions. [French/English]

“Speaking in Tongues (Selvaging Rauschenberg)” in Robert Rauschenberg: Salvage, 19 October 2016 -14 January 2017, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, p. 4-16 (French); p. 18-30 [French/English].

“Mauvais Genre” in Warhol Unlimited, exhibition Catalogue, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, October 2nd 2015 - February 7th 2016. [French]

Hervé Vanel is the co-curator of the "Warhol Unlimited" exhibition at the October 2nd 2015 - February 7th 2016 at the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris and the director of exhibition catalog.


  • Warhol Unlimited, ed. Paris Musées, 2015.
  • Triple Entendre - Furniture Music, Muzak, Muzak-Plus, The University of Illinois Press, 2014.
  • Le Parti Commoniste — Roy Lichtenstein et l’art pop, editions Carré, Paris, 2013. [galley proof]
  • “Dernière Gerbe: De Kooning’s Last Gleanings” in Final Works, exhibition catalogue, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Spring 2013.
  • “Visual Muzak and the Regulation of the Senses: Notes on Nicolas Schöffer,” in Audio • Visual - On Visual Music and Related Media, Cornelia Lund, Holger Lund (eds.) Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart, p. 58-75, July 2009. [galley proof]
  • “La philosophie d’Andy Warhol de a à a,” in Les écrits d'artistes depuis 1940, edited by Françoise Levaillant, CNRS, INHA and Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne co-édition, Institut des Mémoires de l’Edition Contemporaine, Paris, November 2004.

Conferences & Lectures

2018, June 5th: “‘A beautiful, incomplete idea’: Around Jasper Johns’ Flags” Symposium Art, Life & Politics: American Printmaking from the 1960s to Today, Terra Foundation for American Art, Paris, June 4-5 2018.

2016, March 7th: “Francis Bacon: Pertes et Profits,” Musée d'art moderne André Malraux, le Havre [Part of the cycle of conferences: L’art en Grande-Bretagne : 1750-1970]

2016, January 20th: “Andy Warhol Curates Everything from A to B and Back Again,” Mona Bismarck American Center, Paris. Panel including curators Sebastian Gokap, MAMVP), Emma Lavigne, director of the Centre Pompidou-Metz and Florence Ostende, curator, Palais de Tokyo.