Interested in activism in your own community as well as communities on the other side of the world? Curious about the history as well as the future of global politics? Wondering how students at AUP work to make change?

Come meet some of our dedicated professors and students to find out what they are passionate about in the realm of politics and social justice, and how you can be a part of it this fall!

Week 2 Schedule

We'll be adding more events to the schedule, so please come back to this page for updates. 


Monday, March 29


Tuesday, March 30
  • 7PM Paris Time: "International Inequality and the Problem of Global Justice" Mini-Class 
    • Host: Professor Philip Golub
    • The talk will focus on the ethical and political problems posed by international development asymmetries. While global poverty has been reduced in recent decades due notably to China's economic transformation since the 1980s, vast inequalities still characterize the contemporary world, with a significant part of the world population living precarious lives at or just above the poverty line. In a cosmopolitan perspective, in which all human beings are of equal moral worth, this problem constitutes one of if not the most important normative and analytical challenges for students and scholars of world politics.  
    • Register Here for the Zoom Meeting


  • 8PM: The Global Turn in Contemporary Political Thought
    • Host: Professor Julian Culp
    • What is distributive justice? What should we accept as a just distribution of income and wealth? In contemporary liberal societies most people believe that distributive inequalities among co-citizens are only justifiable if they arise from a level playing field that ensures equality of opportunity. But can we also use this liberal standard of equal opportunity when assessing global inequalities in income and wealth? Or is there a fundamental difference between domestic and global distributive justice? In this session we will discuss these questions by engaging with the answers that political theorists have recently given to them.
    • Register Here for the Zoom Meeting


Wednesday, March 31


  • 7PM Paris Time: Activism at AUP - Club Leaders Panel
    • Host: A'mari Bing-Way and Krystel Nozier - Black & Abroad; BVSyria - Khaled Chabbani; Maura Partrick - GenSex; Alex Lane - ReSisters + student moderator Sophie Lemmerman
    • Register Here for the Zoom Meeting



Thursday, April 1


  • 6PM Paris Time: "Democratic Perspectives: Past, Present and Future" Mini-Class 
    • Host: Professor Stephen Sawyer
    • At the dawn of the twenty-first century, democracy is at once triumphant and uncertain. Since its Greek origins in the terms Demos [δῆμος] (people/the common) and Kratos [Κράτος] (strength/power), the idea that human communities should govern themselves has never been so widespread. And yet, as the twenty-first century moves into its second decade, a tremendous confusion grows about what such power does and even should mean. This course will provide perspective on our contemporary democratic context by investigating some dominant traits of democracy’s past, present and future. From voting, to citizenship, to popular sovereignty, this course will briefly consider the structures of democratic life across three major periods of democratic experimentation: Ancient Greece, modern Europe and the Americas (18th-20th centuries), and some contemporary transformations across the world since the 1970s.
    • Register Here for the Zoom Meeting


  • 7PM: Who Makes Your Clothes?
    • Host: Professor Sophie Kurkdjian
    • Who makes your clothes? This question has become a popular one since the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh in 2013 and the deaths of thousands of fast fashion workers. The question of labor in the fashion industry has been overlooked, while the grands couturiers, big brands and glossy paper magazines have been -and still are- celebrated. This mini-class will address these questions and open the discussion on why and how what happens behind-the-scenes of a collection and a fashion show has been deliberately forgotten.
    • Register Here for the Zoom Meeting


  • 8PM Paris Time: "Introduction to Immigration Justice and Asylum Law" Mini-Class 
    • Host: Professor Michelle Kuo
    • This is a hands-on introduction to issues of immigration justice and a primer on asylum and deportation law. 
    • Register Here for the Zoom Meeting
Friday, April 2

Video Spotlight

Every other week, our student ambassadors interview different members of the AUP community on a variety of topics related to student life at AUP as part of our Wireless Wednesday Series. You can find a full playlist on the AUP YouTube Channel