Complete your enrollment steps on your Admitted Student Checklist. See you in Paris!
Is living a sustainable lifestyle something you consider important? Are you interested in investigating the historical emergence of global environmental issues from political, economic, social and physical science perspectives?
Come meet AUP professors and students who are committed to making change in Paris and worldwide, from initiatives on our own campus at AUP to collaborations with other institutions worldwide. See how you can join them in these efforts this fall as an AUP student.
We'll be adding more events to the schedule, so please come back to this page for updates.
7PM: Environmental effects of Covid restrictions: lessons learned
Host: Professor Claudio Piani
In these awful times of COVID-19, we have learned two things that will affect how we take on the current Climate Crisis. The first is that there are immediate environmental returns, in the form of air and water quality improvements, from abrupt societal behavioral changes. And the second is that we are indeed capable of changing our behavior drastically and in a very short time, albeit in response to a strong enough motivation.
8PM: Internships/Careers in Sustainability - Alumni Panel
Host: Darcee Caron, Director of Experiential Learning, ACE
A conversation with current students and alumni pursuing work in sustainability or careers involving the environment, led by Darcee Caron, Director of the Center for Academic, Career, and Experiential Advising.
Register Here for the Zoom Meeting
6PM: Wireless Wednesday
Host: Andrew Callaghan
A conversation with current students about life and studies at AUP. Open to all students.
Register Here for the Zoom Meeting
8PM: Environmental Justice Panel
Host: Senior Sandra Lefaure
A conversation on the topic of environmental justice with AUP students and Professor Elena Berg.
Instagram student takeover (All-day event)
Graduate student
6PM: Sustainability in Fashion: Corporate Communication
Host: Professor Renate Stauss
By now seemingly every major fashion brand has incorporated some sort of sustainable/ eco/ green/ organic/ ethical/ fair-trade range into its collections. Does this form part of an eco-re-branding exercise or an actual shift in the outlook of one of the least sustainable industries? Between “green” fashion and greenwashing. We will consider and question the rise of the discourse of sustainability in the current representation of fashion. We will analyse the visual and verbal language that is mobilised to describe, promote and sell “sustainable fashion”. The limits of current sustainability discourse are discussed, taking into consideration the dominant ideology of environmental consciousness and social corporate responsibility as well as the underlying one of a free market economy, of capitalism with an artificially accelerated desire for newness.
7PM: Live Chat with AUP President Celeste Schenck
Host: Tim Rogers, VP and Director of Enrollment Management
A conversation with AUP’s President, open to parents and students.
9PM: Virtual Parent Café for Undergraduate & Transfer Student Families
Host: Dana Callaghan, Parent Relations Manager and Kari Stromberg Johnson, Director of US Operations
Join us for a Virtual Parent Café, hosted by an Admissions Counselor and our Parent Relations manager. We’ll discuss how to support your child at AUP, from what to pack in their suitcase to budgeting a student life in Paris.
Every other week, our student ambassadors interview different members of the AUP community on a variety of topics related to student life at AUP as part of our Wireless Wednesday Series. You can find a full playlist on the AUP YouTube Channel.
Complete your enrollment steps on your Admitted Student Checklist. See you in Paris!