Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Fall 2022 Cultural Program Study Trip

The Bible and the Holy Land Jerusalem Study Trip

Friday, November 25, 2022 - 08:00 to Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 20:00

CL3089 Biblical Backgrounds: Literature And History
CL1025 The World, The Text, And The Critic I
CL3023 Medieval Culture: Margery Kempe and Geoffrey Chaucer

Thrice-Holy City, Jerusalem is the epicenter of three of the world’s most enduring religions,
holding cultural treasures that date back over 3,000 years. Visit the Ancient city including
the Western (Wailing) Wall, the ancient retaining wall which once surrounded the Second
Jewish Temple, and Temple Mount, upon which stand today the Al-Aqsa Mosque and
the Dome of the Rock. Walk the Via dolorosa, or Christ’s Way of Suffering, upon which
he carried his cross and walked his last steps to the height of Golgotha, before visiting
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Christ’s tomb. Explore the Tower of David and
King David’s tomb. Wander along the paths of the Mount of Olives and into the Garden
of Gethsemane, where Christ was betrayed and arrested, as well as the Church of the
Sepulcher of Saint Mary, in which is housed the tomb of Mary, mother of Jesus. Take a
daytrip to Masada, the final stronghold of the Jewish people before their defeat at the
hands of the Romans, and then take a swim in the Dead Sea.


Led by Professors Brenton Hobart and Elizabeth Kinne
Trip cost: 1475€
(includes round-trip air transportation, hotel accommodations with breakfast, on-site transportation,
entrance fees, guided visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT)

Last day to register/cancel: September 11 • Late cancelation fee: 1475€
Payment for study trips must be made no later than September 23 for the Fall 2022 semester.
Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program & Student Accounting Services.