CW5012 India Literary Practicum

CW5012 India Literary Practicum

The India Literary Practicum offers students a truly multilingual and international approach to creative writing, translation, and publishing. In this three-week iteration of the Fieldwork Module, students will travel to India for a deep immersion in two different literary and artistic communities. Convening first in France, students will travel to India for two weeks and two days. They will spend time in Odisha and Bangalore, where they will gather inspiration for creative work and get to know more about the field of publishing in both international and regional context. Creative writing exercises will be interspersed with talks and meetings with editors, translators, and agents. Students will read contemporary Indian poetry and prose and interact with communities working in different languages and cities. They will maintain a creative journal of their work, participate in discussions, and write a hybrid, self-reflective essay at the end of the semester. Offered during the summer and possible during the winter break as well, this course welcomes students from other AMICAL and ECOLAS institutions.