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Search results

  1. TLC: Cooperative and Collaborative Student Learning

    Related Links Teaching and Learning Center ...

  2. TLC: Videos and Podcasts for Teaching and Learning

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  3. TLC: Using Student Portfolios and Blogs

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  4. TLC: Promoting Digital Literacy and E-Safety

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  5. TLC: Using Technology to Enhance Learning: Technology Tool Parade

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  6. Intergenerational Memories of Important Events: The Intersection of the Personal and the Historical- William Hirst

    none How people remember historical events from a relatively recent past rests in part on the way older generations talk to younger generations about them. An older generation may convey facts, such as those that might be found in the standard history tex ...

  7. Listening and Transformation; Acoustics and Civic Life

    none The Civic Media Lab presents a round table entitled "Listening and Transformation; Acoustics and Civic Life"   Program: Jessica Feldman, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Communications, The American University of Paris Talk:  “We a ...

  8. Student-Faculty Collaboration in the Liberal Arts: Lessons Learned from the GLCA-Library of Congress Program


  9. Rencontre avec Laetitia Colombani, cinéaste et écrivaine

    none Comédienne, réalisatrice et écrivain, Laetitia Colombani est l’auteur de « La tresse ». Elle a réalisé deux longs-métrages, « A la folie … pas du tout » avec Audrey Tautou et « Mes stars et moi » avec Catherine Deneuve. Traduit dans plus de 30 pays e ...

  10. FfIRE- Forum Francophone (AUP- OIF) Christine Armstrong

    none Christine Armstrong (Denison Univ.): "André Gide et la gastronomie" Comme le rappelle le sociologue Claude Fischler dans Homnivore, dans l’acte de manger, nous permettons aux aliments “de s’introduire en nous et de devenir notre substance i ...
