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  1. Economics and the Environment: A History of Competing Views and Unexpected Paths

    none We are happy to invite you to the inaugural session of the AUP Seminar on the History of Political Economy. Antoine Missemer (CNRS, CIRED Paris) will give a talk based on his recently published book  A History of Ecological Economic Thought  (Routled ...

  2. Crossing Borders in East and Southeast Asian Struggles for Democracy: Recent Trends and Historical Precedents

    none On April 12th, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host a workshop titled "Crossing Borders in East and Southeast Asian Struggles for Democracy: Recent Trends and Historical Precedents." Moderated by Professor Jeffrey Wasserstrom ...

  3. Presentation: Olivier Burtin (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) at CCDS

    none On Tuesday March 14th, Professor Olivier Burtin (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) will give a presentation at the Center for Critical Democracy Studies on his recent book, "A Nation of Veterans: War, Citizenship, and the Welfare State in Mode ...

  4. Book Launch: Astrid von Busekist at CCDS

    none On Friday, April 28, Professor Astrid von Busekist (Sciences Po) will give a presentation at the Center for Critical Democracy Studies on her forthcoming book, titled « La religion au tribunal: Essai sur le délibéralisme » (Albin Michel, 2023). The e ...

  5. Festival de la Bande dessinée: Catriona MacLeod: Inaugural Conference

    none "Drawing Invisible Women: The Complicated History of the  Bande Dessinée' s Female Figures." Catriona MacLeod, author of "Invisible Presence: the Representation of Women in French-language Comics" will discuss the history of ...

  6. Presentation: Daniel Statman (University of Haifa) at CCDS

    none On Monday March 27, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host Professor Daniel Statman (University of Haifa) for a lecture titled "Does Anybody Know What Proportionality in Warfare Means in Practice? Reflections on a Disturbing Empiric ...

  7. Rachel Cusk and Siemon Scamell-Katz present Cahier no.38, QUARRY

    none Join us for a celebration of the work of novelist and essayist Rachel Cusk and of the painter Siemon Scamell-Katz, co-authors of no.38 in AUP’s Cahiers Series, Quarry. In this cahier Cusk explores themes of arrival, transition, and loss in an account ...

  8. Tocqueville Colloque 2023: Autocratie vs. Democratie? A new geopolitical landscape in France, Europe, and the United States?

    none In a recent book entitled The Age of the Strongman, the journalist Gideon Rachman described the inexorable rise of autocracies over the past twenty years, during which democracies once thought to be solid, such as India, Brazil, Hungary, and Turkey, ...

  9. Imaginaries of contemporary conflicts: engaging with the War in Ukraine on TikTok

    none MCGC Working Paper Series presents research in progress by AUP scholars Noemie Oxley and Fatima Aziz, with an external discussant to be announced. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links MCGC at AUP ...

  10. Fashion Talk: Between Knoweldge & Action – Dr Samira Iran: "Exploring the Knowledge-Action Gap in the Fast Fashion Industry"

    none Exploring the Knowledge-Action Gap in the Fast Fashion Industry According to recent data, the adult population in Germany collectively possesses approximately 5.2 billion garments, out of which two billion remain unused or seldom worn. Other European ...
