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Search results

  1. Career and Internship Resources for Students

    Center for Academic, Career, and Experiential Advising:     CAREER AND INTERNSHIP EVENTS ON AUP Engage ... The ACE Center offers advising and support to AUP students on a variety of academic professional ... prompted to add the certification to your profile when you complete the course. This is a great way to display ...

  2. AUP Internship Program

    to complete at least one internship during their academic program. Internships enable students to ... be in accordance with AUP’s internship policy. There are a number of academic requirements ... University’s approval process, particularly if the student is requesting course credits for the internship. It ...

  3. Economics

    courses during the first two years of their studies. Early completion allows for greater flexibility in ... a Major GPA of 3.5 or higher and a general GPA of 3.3 minimum. In addition to the core courses required ... Seminar in Economics plus three additional EC courses 3000-level or above.  100 h Why Study Economics none ...

  4. Marc Hecker and Élie Tenenbaum: The End of the War on Terror?

    Relations from University Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne. He taught a course on "terrorism and asymmetric ... warfare" at Sciences Po for several years. He also spent one academic year at Trinity College, Dublin. Marc ...

  5. Staff and Faculty Device Setup

    recommend that department chairs and administrative departments managers request a mobile setup for their ... full time permanent employees.  Managers of administrative department can request devices for their ... Department chairs can request devices for their department faculty members using the request form:  ...

  6. Fatima Orozco ’16

    2008, and taking courses such as “Investment Analysis” with Professor James Noel Ward, I became interested ... Line AUP isn’t just about academics. I helped build AUP’s Student Services Association (ASA), an ...

  7. Cairo

    academic work. For those taking courses in Middle East studies, including the First-Year First Bridge ...

  8. France is the Most Attractive Study Abroad Destination in Europe

    museums and other academic resources easily accessible (and often free for students!) France is a mecca ... a potential country of future employment and taking a course that was not available at their home institution ...

  9. Career Mentoring Program Brings Students and Alumni Together

    community. Over the course of the academic year, career mentors act as an important resource for students, ...

  10. How to Apply

    AUP, including information about the course(s) you wish to take.   Official transcripts If you are ... University of Paris, use our institutional code 0866. IELTS: Academic Option The English language test ...
