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  1. FR2103 Francophone Identities And Cultures On Screen This upper-intermediate French language and cultures course will strengthen your French language ... cinematic landscapes of the Caribbean, Africa, Canada, and France, this course provides a dynamic platform ...

  2. FR2001 Introduction To French Global Studies

    FR2001 Introduction To French Global Studies This ... introductory Francophone Studies course explores French language's global status, examining its evolution, ... varieties prompt reflections on contemporary French and Francophone identities. The course probes debates ...

  3. Art History

    three other AH 2000-level courses or above.   Option 2 (20 credits) One course from each of the following ... periods: Ancient/Medieval  Renaissance/Baroque Modern/Contemporary Two other AH 2000-level courses or ...

  4. Julie Hu ’18

    Related Links Department of Economics and Management Major in International Economics none What ... grades. I added minors in applied mathematics and statistics. But as I spent more time in the department ...

  5. Clément Schneider

    Department, under the supervision of Claire Simon, Emmanuel Finkiel & Yves Caumon 2011: Certificate of ... Department at École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière, Noisy-le-Grand 2006-2008: Preparatory class Ciné-Sup ...

  6. Philip Golub

    conferences, Department of Historical Studies, University of Bologna, Italy 23-25 May 2007. The United States ... Tertius Editions. Forthcoming. "Asian collision course", Le monde diplomatique  (English ... mondiale contemporaine”, in Cartographiare il presente, Department of Historical Studies, University de ...

  7. Nature and Cultures: A Geographic Magazine for Global Explorers

    innovative assignments that combine academic rigor with professional skills development. One example comes ... contributions from academics at all levels. Student contributors, who often submit edited versions of their ... classwork, have an extra incentive to publish their academic efforts in a journalistic context, as it allows them to experience ...

  8. Gilets Jaunes Demonstrations Update to Students

    the other will depart from Montparnasse and will head towards Place d’Italie. As usual several metro ...

  9. Learning Laboratory: Prof Jayson Harsin on Fake News about Coronavirus: Causes and Effects

    2006 and is Chair of the Department of Global Communication at The American University of Paris. He is ...

  10. Learning Laboratory: Prof. Renate Stauss on Fashion in Times of Covid-19

    Department of Critical Studies for ten years. She completed her PhD on Dress as Therapy: Working with Dress ...
