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  1. The Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center

    /academics/research-centers/center-for-environmental-studies/community/interview-claudio-piani The Faculty The Center is run by dedicated and accomplished faculty members. ... /academics/research-centers/center-for-environmental-studies/community No none The Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center Center News ...

  2. Frieman Center Seminars

    a research center at AUP dedicated to cutting-edge academics, pedagogies and public outreach on environmental ... environment are being incorporated into the full range of disciplines studied by the AUP academic community.  ...

  3. Support Services

    & Wellness The  health and wellness team  is here to ensure that you balance your academics with ... academic success, and should always be a priority. The team includes the health office staff, on-campus ...

  4. Daily Update on Campus Safety and Covid-19

    well-being throughout this period, and with faculty to ensure that students’ academic work can continue as ... academic work from a distance. Every student in self-quarantine has been assigned a guidance counselor ...

  5. Counseling Program- Policies, Procedures and Confidentiality

    academic pursuits. With this in mind, in addition to the legal obligations stated above, there are some ... personal or academic life. 3. Release of confidentiality: In the case of a referral to another professional ...

  6. Julie Hu ’18

    Related Links Department of Economics and Management Major in International Economics none What ... grades. I added minors in applied mathematics and statistics. But as I spent more time in the department ...

  7. Clément Schneider

    Department, under the supervision of Claire Simon, Emmanuel Finkiel & Yves Caumon 2011: Certificate of ... Department at École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière, Noisy-le-Grand 2006-2008: Preparatory class Ciné-Sup ...

  8. Gilets Jaunes Demonstrations Update to Students

    the other will depart from Montparnasse and will head towards Place d’Italie. As usual several metro ...

  9. Learning Laboratory: Prof Jayson Harsin on Fake News about Coronavirus: Causes and Effects

    2006 and is Chair of the Department of Global Communication at The American University of Paris. He is ...

  10. Learning Laboratory: Prof. Renate Stauss on Fashion in Times of Covid-19

    Department of Critical Studies for ten years. She completed her PhD on Dress as Therapy: Working with Dress ...
