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Search results

  1. AH2024 Intro To Islamic Art & Architecture

    AH2024 Intro To Islamic Art & Architecture The ... aim of this course is to introduce students to the multifaceted and dynamic character of Islamic art ...

  2. BA2040 Marketing In A Global Environment

    BA2040 Marketing In A Global Environment This ... introductory marketing course develops students’ understanding of the principles of marketing and their use in ...

  3. BA3070 Operations Management

    BA3070 Operations Management This course is ...

  4. BA3500 Management Information Systems

    BA3500 Management Information Systems This course ...

  5. CL1050 The World, The Text, And The Critic II

    CL1050 The World, The Text, And The Critic II This ... team-taught course opens up a historical panorama of European literature stretching from the 18th to the 21st ...

  6. CL3046 Two French Classics

    CL3046 Two French Classics By promoting careful ... oral and written communications, this course aims at helping students weave together literary meaning ...

  7. CL3300 Creative Nonfiction: Crafting Personal Narratives This workshop gives students the opportunity to explore through reading, research and writing ... a first-person narrator who leads the reader into the world of personal experiences and research. The course ...

  8. CL4000 Advanced Creative Writing Projects

    CL4000 Advanced Creative Writing Projects Have you ... of poems? This cross-genre, seminar-style course is designed for students who want to pursue larger, ...

  9. CL4070 Advanced Study In Ancient Greek

    CL4070 Advanced Study In Ancient Greek Advanced ... study in ancient Greek according to the wishes of the student. This course can be taken several times ...

  10. CM2003 Media Industries: Strategies, Markets & Consumers This course examines how the media industries – from movies and television to music and magazines ...
