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Search results

  1. Figuring Memory: Tom Pettinger on Counter-Extremism

    the 2021–22 academic year, titled “Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation.” ...

  2. History Illustrated: WWI Poster Exhibit Bridges Past and Present

    extraordinary, museum-quality prints and the dialogue they prompted. According to AUP Senior Academic Advisor ...

  3. A Transformational Trip into the Recent Past: Poland, 2017

    trip. “I gained a different perspective ­— also academically, regarding Poland's side in history ...

  4. Guide for Career Mentees

    a professional network Develop your communication skills Connect your current academic work to your future career ...

  5. AUP Philosophy Professors Celebrate Double Book Launch

    between the audience and the academics on the panel. 100 Related Links Oliver Feltham Julian Culp ...

  6. Dr. Beth Epstein Compares French and US Perspectives on Race

    a PhD in anthropology from New York University and is Academic Director at NYU Paris, has lived in ...

  7. Author Andrea Applebee joins illustrious writers published in the 35th Edition of AUP’s Cahiers Series

    narrative. They can have a personal, academic, or poetic side.” Each volume also braids in images by a visual ...

  8. Graduate

    discuss any academic questions and goals directly with you. If you have not previously been in touch with ...

  9. Clark Marchese, Cultural Program

    on sustainability issues, helping students put academic theory into practice while experiencing new ...

  10. The Cultural Program

    academic theory in a real-world context, the Cultural Program allows students to develop critical-thinking ...
