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Search results

  1. FM2098 Cinema & The Political

    FM2098 Cinema & The Political Studies the ... globalization, the politics of history and identity politics. The course is organized around screenings and ...

  2. FM3076 Arab And African Cinema

    FM3076 Arab And African Cinema How does cinema in ... course, we'll explore major developments in the art and industry of cinema in the Arab World and ...

  3. FR2005I French Immersion: Intermediate I

    FR2005I French Immersion: Intermediate I This ... intermediate course reinforces and expands students’ ability to express themselves, defend an opinion, and ...

  4. FR2010I French Immersion: Intermediate II

    FR2010I French Immersion: Intermediate II This ... advanced course reinforces and expands students’ ability to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints on ...

  5. FR2100 French And Culture IV

    FR2100 French And Culture IV This course reviews ...

  6. FR3046 Two French Classics

    FR3046 Two French Classics By promoting careful ... oral and written communications, this course aims at helping students weave together literary meaning ...

  7. GK4070 Advanced Study In Ancient Greek

    GK4070 Advanced Study In Ancient Greek Advanced ... study in ancient Greek according to the wishes of the student. This course can be taken several times ...

  8. HI1013 The City In World History

    HI1013 The City In World History We have reached ... world. This course will offer a historical perspective on this global transformation through an ...

  9. HI1015 History Of The Middle East I

    HI1015 History Of The Middle East I This course ...

  10. HI2030 Intro. To History, Law & Society

    HI2030 Intro. To History, Law & Society What ... the end of this course, students will be able to apply critical approaches to the law to contemporary ...
