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  1. Dark Archive: A Reading and Conversation with Poet Laura Mullen

    AUP's Creative Writing program, Center for Writers & Translators, and Civic Media Lab are delighted to invite you to a reading and conversation with American poet Lauren Mullen on the 22 September 2021, at 18:30PM, Quai Combes building, Room Q-80 ...

  2. Climate Justice and Historical Emissions with Prof. Dr. Lukas H. Meyer

    One important debate within climate justice regards the contentious issue of the normative significance of past emissions. In this talk, I discuss two arguments that explore their significance, and identify their shared presuppositions but differing norma ...

  3. Hall Gardner

    Track II Diplomacy in Glion, Switzerland; discussions, involving government officials and academics from ... Terrorism Civic Media Lab Grant (Fall 2020) to develop new course and write the book: "The Digital ...

  4. Year in Review: Launching the GPS Program

    a select cohort of graduating seniors. By the end of this academic year, all AUP students will be able to ... academics, their co-curricular experiences and their dreams and ambitions post-AUP,” Fore said. “The program ... ambitious plans for the 2018-2019 academic year. “We would like to double the number of seniors who complete ...

  5. Year in Review: Words That Kill

    INJUSTICE, EXCLUSION and VIOLENCE. From May 28 – 30, 2018, around 100 researchers and academics from across ... engage in academic and impassioned debate with academics from diverse scholarly, personal and national ...

  6. Update Regarding Covid-19

    the Health, Residential Life, Guidance Counseling and Academic Affairs offices, who will ensure that ... students are able to keep up with their academic work from home. We will also provide support to these ... individuals. Academic Affairs will work with professors to ensure that you are able to keep up with your ...

  7. Job & Internship Database

    Academic, Internship and Career Advising 69, quai d'Orsay 75007 Paris, France Contact none The career ...

  8. Mediating Sustainable Cities

    results more easily available to the academic community. The aim is to stimulate debate and inspire people ...

  9. Is International Criminal Justice “Model” Justice?

    is joined by an all-star team of international lawyers and legal academics to debate what past ...

  10. A Year in Review: 2019

    learners. The program aims to help students develop a personal narrative that brings together their academic ... AUP Library and the Center for Academic, Career and Experiential Advising. The new building connects ... University played host to the largest academic gathering it had ever organized: the Paris Centennial ...
