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Search results

  1. Prof. Michelle Kuo's New Book

    none Wonderful AUP Professor Michelle Kuo who teaches in the History, Law, and Society program will be releasing her new book "Reading with Patrick" on July 11. A memoir of race, inequality and the power of literature told through the life-chang ...

  2. launch party


  3. Reading with Patrick Resonates with the World

    none Professor Michelle Kuo’s new book Reading with Patrick, published July 2017 by Random House, has come out to much notice and acclaim.  The book has been shortlisted for the  Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice, is featured i ...

  4. Rotterdam Film Festival study trip


  5. New York study trip


  6. Doha & Kuwait Study Trip


  7. Barcelona Study Trip


  8. Venice Study Trip


  9. London study trip


  10. Marseille ITER study trip

