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    none BODY AND SOUL | PALAIS GARNIER Tuesday, February 15 – 20h00 • 1h40 with 1 interval Cost: €85 – Category 2 tickets Crystal Pite’s second creation for the Paris Opera Ballet, Body and Soul serves up waves of words and gestures which form the material f ...

  2. Cultural Programs- Andalusia: Discovering Moorish Spain

    none CL1099 Modern to Contemporary in the Arab World ME1099 Medina to Metropolis CL/ME2091 Modern Arabic Literature Explore Andalusia, Spain’s southernmost region which from the eighth to fifteenth centuries was home to an Arab Muslim society that left be ...

  3. Cultural Programs- Geneva: International Organizations

    none   PO2031 World Politics PO4091/5091 Major Power Conflict Designed for students to see international organizations and NGOs, this trip is an opportunity to meet with leaders and activists of NGOs. Visit a number of UN agencies and/or NGOs, the United ...

  4. The Photography of Persecution: Pictures of the Holocaust

    none This is an in-person conference. Please use the registration form below to confirm your attendance by Friday, 17 June 2022. For inquiries, contact  schaeffercenter 100 The  George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Ri ...

  5. Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation with Lea David

    none Video 0 none Session 2: Discussing Lea David's book,  The Past Can’t Heal Us. The Dangers of Mandating Memory in the Name of Human  Rights,  Cambridge University Press, 2020.  Speaker:  Lea David, Assi ...

  6. International Research Workshop: Early Holocaust Remembrance in the Jewish Press, from the Second World War to the 1960s

    none Scholarly works dealing with early Jewish remembrance of the Holocaust have mainly focused on documentation efforts, historiographical writings, testimonies, Yisker-books, commemorations, and monuments, among other topics. In such works, the Jewish p ...

  7. Lucia's Thesis

    Related Links Explore the art history major Meet Professor Hervé Vanel Read Lucia's full interview with Esther Ferrer none For Lucia Sendagorta, an art history and global communications double major, the choice of Capstone project was an opportunity ...

  8. FfIRE @ AUP et l'OIF – "Français.e-n/Noir.e. Au-delà de la « norme »?"

    none Le département d'Etudes françaises à The American University of Paris et l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie sont très heureux de vous annoncer leur prochain FfIRE – Forum francophone interdépartemental de Recherches et d’ensei ...

  9. Prof. Annabelle Lever (Sciences Po Paris): Democracy in Selection

    none Should we replace elections with lotteries?  Bernard Manin’s famous book on representative government first taught many of us that the Greeks thought of elections as an aristocratic, not a democratic, way to select people for political power and auth ...

  10. The Ethics of Technological Self-Defense with Speaker David Wright (Director of Trilateral Research)

    none The American University of Paris invites you to a talk with David Wright entitled "The Ethics of Technological Self-Defense". This talk is part of the Presidential Lecture Series "Technology and the Human Future" organized by the ...
