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Search results

  1. BA5021 Organizational Behavior

    BA5021 Organizational Behavior This course offers ... management theories and critical approaches, as well as sociological and psychological approaches. We will ... organizations. Further, the course aims to facilitate the effective experiential learning of students through ...

  2. PAAC United States

    (Loudonville, NY) Jeffrey Durgee was recently made Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Lally School of ... Management, the Journal of Advertising Research, Psychology and Marketing, the Design Management Journal, The ... and Enterprise Rental Car. Previously, he worked in the Creative Research Department at Young and ...

  3. PY2068 Self And Identity

    PY2068 Self And Identity What is my identity? And ... in research contexts of psychology and neighbouring human sciences. PY (Psychology) ...

  4. Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

    activities, academic support and housing services.  Course overloads  above 18 credits may be requested: once ... semesters. Information about summer course fees is found  here. General Payment Information Undergraduate Payment Plan ... students may choose to pay for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters) before the start of the ...

  5. Hands-On with Postcolonial Literatures and Theory

    associated with the class. The course listing describes the class as having an “anti-academic thrust,” ... none Ever wondered what classes at AUP are like? An AUP education combines rigorous academic study ... Literatures and Theory from the Department of Comparative Literature; the lesson structure is complemented by ...


    languages and cultures. In order to complete the requirement, you need to take 4 courses, representing 16 ... credits outside the major disciplinary base. These courses will require you to engage in interdisciplinary ... 0 FirstBridge As a new student, you will fulfill two of your Integrative Inquiry course ...

  7. AH3091 Topics In Art History

    course browser:” AH (Art History) ... AH3091 Topics In Art History Topics vary every ... semester. “For the course description, please find this course in the respective semester on the public ...

  8. AR2091 Topics In Fine Arts

    course browser:” AR (Art) ... AR2091 Topics In Fine Arts Topics change each ... semester. “For the course description, please find this course in the respective semester on the public ...

  9. CM2091 Topics In Communications

    course browser:” CM (Communications) ... CM2091 Topics In Communications Topics vary every ... semester. “For the course description, please find this course in the respective semester on the public ...

  10. Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Center for Writers & Translators

    noted over my years at AUP that many interesting, talented writers and academics came to AUP. They ... make more of the visits of literary and academic dignitaries to the campus and commemorate their visits ... constantly performing one form of translation or another.” Over the course of the last decade, Gunn says, ...
