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Search results

  1. GPS Panel Presentation (for GPS Seniors)

    none This is one of three option panel presentations for those seniors currently participating in the GPS Program. Participants will present their personal narrative in front of a panel comprised of AUP employers, alumni, and faculty. Top presenters will ...

  2. GPS Panel Presentation (for GPS Seniors)

    none This is one of three option panel presentations for those seniors currently participating in the GPS Program. Participants will present their personal narrative in front of a panel comprised of AUP employers, alumni, and faculty. Top presenters will ...

  3. GPS Panel Presentation (for GPS Seniors)

    none This is one of three option panel presentations for those seniors currently participating in the GPS Program. Participants will present their personal narrative in front of a panel comprised of AUP employers, alumni, and faculty. Top presenters will ...

  4. GPS President's Panel & Awards Ceremony

    none The evening begins with the GPS President's panel. Top GPS participant presentations will be invited to present this evening in front of the President's Panel and all GPS participants and their guests. Immediately following the President� ...

  5. What are the conditions of thinking about the 1915 Armenian genocide in Turkey?- Hakan Seckinelgin

    none This talk will examine what is publicly remembered in Turkey about the events of 1915. In particular, it focuses how people apprehend each other and the conceptual structure of this process. The mechanism of what is publicly remembered and forgotten ...

  6. Justice after Genocide: Prosecuting Hutu Perpetrators- Alain and Drafoza Gauthier

    none The Collective of Civil Parties for Rwanda (Le Collectif des Parties Civiles pour le Rwanda- CPCR) was created in November 2001 by Alain and Drafoza Gauthier. Since its inception, it has continuously prepared complaints against Rwandan genocide suspe ...

  7. Students Invite Brazilian Ambassador

    Related Links Brazilian Student Association (BRASA) Find out more about Jens Arnold on the OECD website Follow Carlos Marcio Cozendey on Twitter Keep up with the Brazilian Embassy in France on Facebook none On February 8, 2019, the Brazilian Student Assoc ...

  8. Translating Science into Climate Action

    none AUP’s Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center, in partnership with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, will hold a three-day international conference – Translating Science into Climate Action – that will convene figures from the foremost interna ...

  9. La France, ce n'est pas Michel Houellebecq (Manuel Valls)

    none FFIRE – Forum francophone interdépartemental de Recherches et d’enseignement Jeudi 28 mars (de 17h à 18h) au siège de l’OIF (Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, 19-21 avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris.   Professeur Russell Williams présentera s ...

  10. Swan Lake Ballet

    none By composing Swan Lake, Tchaikovsky takes the legend of the pristine bird to create one of the most beautiful pieces ever written for ballet. The choreographers Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov will give their letters of nobility to the story of this imp ...
