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Search results

  1. Brunch Cruise: Paris en Scene- Graduate Excursion

    none After you are all settled with your new housing arrangements, classes, and schedule; discover or rediscover the essence of the Seine with all your classmates. Join us for a study break on a brunch cruise along the Seine. More information including ho ...

  2. Ballet: Hiroshi Sugimoto/William Forsythe (featuring music by James Blake)

    none A leading figure of contemporary photography, Japanese visual artist Hiroshi Sugimoto sounds out a changing world and explores the passage of time. Invited for the first time to the Paris Opera, he is joining forces with the choreographer Alessio Sil ...

  3. Ballet: Crystal Pite

    none After the unanimously acclaimed premiere of The Seasons’ Canon in 2016, Crystal Pite meets the dancers of the Opera Ballet for a show. Sixty minutes divided into as many dance sequences. Born in Canada, trained at the Frankfurt Ballet, the choreograp ...

  4. Thinking About Law School?

    none Want to know more about the diversity of legal careers, including human rights, environment, immigration, child advocacy, feminist law, criminal justice, and business law?  Whether you are in the process of applying to law school right now or are con ...

  5. Ace the Interview

    none Are you currently on the job hunt or internship search, and looking to practice your interview skills?  Are you someone who gets nervous when thinking about a job interview?  If you answered YES to any of the above, then sign up for our Mock Intervie ...

  6. Ace the Interview

    none Are you currently on the job hunt or internship search, and looking to practice your interview skills?  Are you someone who gets nervous when thinking about a job interview?  If you answered YES to any of the above, then sign up for our Mock Intervie ...

  7. Ace the Interview

    none Are you currently on the job hunt or internship search, and looking to practice your interview skills?  Are you someone who gets nervous when thinking about a job interview?  If you answered YES to any of the above, then sign up for our Mock Intervie ...

  8. Designing Your Narrative (for GPS Seniors)

    none This design thinking workshop for seniors helps you connect the dots between your experiences at university and your post-graduation plans. We will talk about what comes next for you: a job or internship, graduate school, launching your own company, ...

  9. Designing Your Narrative (for GPS Seniors)

    none This design thinking workshop for seniors helps you connect the dots between your experiences at university and your post-graduation plans. We will talk about what comes next for you: a job or internship, graduate school, launching your own company, ...

  10. GPS Info Session for Seniors- Global Professional Skills

    none The Global Professional Skills (GPS) program provides you with the opportunity to sharpen critically important skills, develop your own personal narrative, and boost your career prospects after graduation. Come to one of our information sessions to l ...
