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Search results

  1. DEMOS21 Inaugural Event: What is Engagement? with Étienne Balibar

    none Image 0 The Center for Critical Democracy Studies at The American University of Paris is organizing a Special Lecture with Étienne Balibar entitled “What is ...

  2. Who Should Decide? Beyond the Democratic Boundary Problem with Laura Valentini | DEMOS21

    none Image 0 Who should have a say in a given decision  for it to count as democratic? This is the question with which the so-called  democratic boundary proble ...

  3. Philip Golub: Towards a multipolar world?

    none The Center for Critical Democracy Studies cordially invites you to Professor Philip Golub’s talk at the annunal conference on  Frontiers of Freedom  held by the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of Belgrade this Thursday, December 3, organize ...

  4. CCDS Presents: Frank Ruda, “The Excluded and Grotesque Sovereigns. Luhmann, Foucault, Hegel”

    none The AUP Center for Critical Democracy Studies in partnership with the College International de Philosophie presents, the Oliver Feltham’s philosophy research seminar “Genealogy and Comparative Ontology of Political Action in European Modernity” in it ...

  5. CCDS Presents: Gilles Marmasse, "L'homme dans l'Etat selon Hegel"

    none Le Centre d’études de la démocratie critique de l’AUP (CCDS), en partenariat avec le College International de Philosophie, présente le séminaire de recherche en philosophie d’Oliver Feltham «Généalogie et ontologie comparée de l’action politique dans ...

  6. The AUP Magazine Looks Back at a Year Like No Other

    none The Fall 2020 issue of the AUP Magazine showcases inspiring stories from across the AUP community about the collective responses to the unique challenges that the past 12 months have produced. Titled “ A Year Like No Other,” the issue focuses on inno ...

  7. Courts and Global Challenges

    none What is the role of courts in addressing global challenges? How do they legitimize state policy and where do they provide resistance to it? Justice Lab researchers use empirical methods like courtroom ethnography and interviews to understand laws, ac ...

  8. Cultural Program Study Trip- The Renaissance in the Loire Valley

    none Image 0 Fascinated by the Loire Valley, its magnificent castles and palaces, delicious wines, works of art, and world heritage? Visit the medieval castle ...

  9. Cultural Program Study Trip- Byzantine, Russian and Central European Paris

    none Image 0 A focused walking tour in the Champs Elysées quarter allows to sample Paris’ concentration of artistic, monumental and also culinary riches of Eastern Europe ...

  10. Cultural Program Excursion- Les Passages de Paris

    none Image 0 The unique charm of Parisian “passages couverts” brings you back to the 19th century Paris. Enjoy a walking tour of few of these passages, located in the 2nd ...
