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  1. CWT Presents a Reading and Discussion of Isabella Hammad's Enter Ghost

    none This event has been cancelled.   Summer, 2017. Sonia Nasir takes a break from the London theatre scene to visit her older sister Haneen in Haifa, and becomes involved in a production of Hamlet in the West Bank. The director Mariam’s grand vision of a ...

  2. Imaginaries of contemporary conflicts: engaging with the War in Ukraine on TikTok

    none MCGC Working Paper Series presents research in progress by AUP scholars Noemie Oxley and Fatima Aziz, with an external discussant to be announced. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links MCGC at AUP ...


    none On May 2, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host Professor Patrick Weil (Yale, CNRS) for the launch of the English translation of his new book "The Madman in the White House: Sigmund Freud, Ambassador Bullitt, and the Lost Psychobio ...

  4. Presentation: "Carl Schmitt, Political Theology and the History of Political Thought" with Samuel Zeitlin (Cambridge)

    none On Wednesday July 5, Dr. Samuel Garrett Zeitlin (University of Cambridge) will give a presentation at the CCDS titled "Carl Schmitt, Political Theology and the History of Political Thought." The talk will take place at 18h30, in-person in r ...

  5. MCGC Working Paper Series: recent books in feminist media studies, Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet

    none Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet will be drawing from their recent book publications and work in progress.   Josiane Jouet: is Professor emeritus, université de Paris Panthéon-Assas. Her most recent book is Numérique, féminisme et société, (Presses des ...

  6. The American Developmental State

    Democracy Symposium in Paris, May 25-26, 2023 none Organized by Noam Maggor (Queen Mary University of London & IEA Paris), Sofia Valeonti (American University of Paris), Nicolas Barreyre (EHESS), Ariel Ron (Southern Methodist University). With support ...

  7. Printed Books in the Digital Age: A conversation with Jonathan Simons moderated by Marc-Olivier Bherer of Le Monde

    none Analog Sea, is as an offline publisher distributing exclusively to physical bookshops. Their wish is for books to be traded between human beings and not relegated to robots and algorithms. Digital platforms are great for efficiency and massification, ...

  8. Champagne Day Trip

    Champagne, the region between Paris and Lorraine, is the only internationally recognized source of real champagne. Champagne cellar visits reveal the magical processes – governed by the strictest of rules – that transform the world’s most pampered grapes ...

  9. Roscoff, The Island of Batz and Morlaix- Immersion Into The Life of Celtic Communities and Seaports

    PO3035 Waters of the Globe SC1080 Animal Behavior SC1070 The Ocean Environment SC1020 Environmental Science Explore the world of micro-geopolitics in the picturesque coastal towns of Roscoff, Saint Pol, and Morlaix. Students will delve into the historic, ...

  10. Bordeaux- Writing Self and The City

    CL1099 Autobiographical Writing EN1099 WRITING IN PARIS, WRITING PLACE This trip to Bordeaux will expose students to the rich and complex history of a multicultural provincial city. Students will explore museums, take a walking tour, visit the château whe ...
