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  1. Understanding Management & Politics Ghana Study Trip

    none BA3500 Business Information Systems BA5049 Brand Management PO2031 World Politics Ghana is in the process of a successful transition to democracy. Visit political institutions (government, political parties, civil society groups) as well as engage in ...

  2. The Bible and the Holy Land Jerusalem Study Trip

    none CL3089 Biblical Backgrounds: Literature And History CL1025 The World, The Text, And The Critic I CL3023 Medieval Culture: Margery Kempe and Geoffrey Chaucer Thrice-Holy City, Jerusalem is the epicenter of three of the world’s most enduring religions, ...

  3. Geneva Study Trip- International Organization

    none   PO2031B World Politics PO3078 War on Terrorism PO5058 Conflict Management Designed for students to see international organizations and NGOs, this trip is an opportunity to meet with leaders and activists of NGOs. Visit a number of UN agencies and/o ...

  4. GPS Program Award Ceremony 2023

    none The GPS Award Ceremony is held annually just before Commencement- in May 2023 the evening right before Commencement! At the ceremony all GPS seniors who have earned their GPS certificate are recognized. In addition, the GPS seniors who are finalists ...


    none       Champagne, the region between Paris and Lorraine, is the only internationally recognized source of real champagne. Champagne cellar visits reveal the magical processes – governed by the strictest of rules – that transform the world’s most pampe ...

  6. Book Launch: 'Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe' with Professor Umut Korkut (Glasgow Caledonian University)

    none The Center for Critical Democracy Studies will be hosting Professor Umut Korkut for the official launch of his new co-edited volume 'Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe: Euroscepticism, Crisis and Borders' (with James Foley) on Friday, October 1 ...

  7. Presentation: James T. Sparrow (History, University of Chicago) at CCDS

    none On Tuesday October 18th Professor James T. Sparrow will give a presentation at AUP at the Center for Critical Democracy Studies titled "Public Power as Democratic Sovereignty: David Lilienthal and the ‘River of Power Flowing to War.’” Romain Hur ...

  8. Curriculum

    none “In discussing the “democratic ideal” of education, John Dewey argued that two fundamental traits combine the educational experience and democracy. The aim of education, he argued, is to “generate greater reliance upon the recognition of mutual inter ...

  9. Presentation: Miranda Spieler with Cécile Vidal (EHESS) at CCDS

    none On Monday, November 14th at 18h15, Miranda Spieler (AUP) will give a talk titled "The Rise and Fall of André Lucidor, an African Swordsman in Paris (c.1718-1771): Race, Sexual Deviance, and the Problem of Freedom in the Eighteenth Century Capita ...

  10. Fabricating the Past: Symbolic Topography of the Former Warsaw Ghetto

    none This event is free and open to all. Registration is mandatory at least 48h in advance. Please use the form below to reserve a space; for additional information contact schaeffercenter The George & Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of G ...
