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  1. Fashion Talk at AUP: Between Knowledge & Action – Rahemur Rahman: What role do creatives have in redesigning the world around them?

    (Fashion Studies, Department of Communication, Media and Culture). About the speaker: Rahemur Rahman is ...

  2. READING BY VINCENT BROQUA (in English and French) from his newest books RECOVERY and PHOTOCALL

    none THE CENTER FOR WRITERS AND TRANSLATORS THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE LITERATURE AND ENGLISH ... Related Links The Center for Writers and Translators The Department of Comparative Literature and English ...

  3. Visiting Lecturers Daniel Levin Becker and Nafkote Tamirat Discuss “Notes on Rap”

    Department of Comparative Literature and English, Tamirat began by asking Levin Becker about his previous ... More about CWT align-center width-40 Related Links Department of Comparative Literature and English The ...

  4. The Representative, the People, and the Public Sphere: Rethinking democratic concepts in the face of crisis | DEMOS21

    Critical Democracy Studies DEMOS21 Prof. Julian Culp Department of History and Politics ...

  5. Race, Law and Social Justice: An Introduction | DEMOS21

    Department of History and Politics ...

  6. A Prophetic Vision of the Past: Glissant's Poetic of Nonhistory | DEMOS21

    for Critical Democracy Studies DEMOS21 Race, Law and Justice Symposia Department of History and ...

  7. The Prison Abolitionist Movement: The Convergence of Movements to End Immigrant Detention and Mass Incarceration | DEMOS21

    for Critical Democracy Studies DEMOS21 Race, Law and Justice Symposia Department of History and ...

  8. The Shifting Border – Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility | DEMOS21

    Studies DEMOS21 Prof. Julian Culp Department of History and Politics ...

  9. Demos21 Talk by Carlo Burelli (University of Genova): No Virtue like Resilience – A new Machiavellian justification of democracy

    space Center for Critical Democracy Studies DEMOS21 Prof. Julian Culp Department of History and Politics ...

  10. Elephant biologist and science writer Caitlin O'Connell discusses her new book, Wild Rituals

    Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine, where she ...
