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  1. Fashion Industry Talks: Professional Perspectives – Internships in the Fashion Industry

    none This edition of Fashion Industry Talks addresses internships in the fashion industry. Four speakers from different parts of the professional field of fashion will talk about their careers and paths into the industry. Students will have the opportunit ...

  2. Book Launch of The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education & Workshop on the Future of Democratic Education

    Democratic education is central to the functioning and flourishing of modern multicultural democracies, and yet it is subject to increasing public controversy and political pressure. Waning public trust in government institutions, sustained attacks on dem ...

  3. Made Against. Repenser la dimension politique du vêtement

    Made Against. Repenser la dimension politique du vêtement La séance de séminaire Cultures et Histoires de mode du 12 octobre 2023 est consacrée à la dimension politique et sociale du vêtement. De la Révolution française aux manifestations de Gilets jaunes ...

  4. A Working-Class Ecological Perspective on Just Transition: The GKN Case Study

    On 9 July 2021, more than 450 metalworkers received a dismissal email from Melrose Industries, the private equity fund that used to own GKN Driveline Florence, a thriving automotive factory producing axle shafts for various types of vehicles, from Stellan ...

  5. The Limits of Democracy- Book Discussion with Prof. Marcos Nobre

    In this timely book, Brazilian political philosopher Marcos Nobre analyzes the social and political roots of the election of Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency of Brazil and shows how this process is connected to the rise of new far-right movements threaten ...

  6. Fashion Studies at AUP

    Communications, Department of Communication, Media and Culture was founded in 2010. We launched a Minor in Fashion ... whether in their personal lives, through academic pursuits or career goals. During their time at AUP, ... fashion week, journalism and more. 100 2 columns Fixed-50px space Fashion Courses multi-section at The ...

  7. Learning Laboratory: Prof. Maria Medved on why Men are More Likely to Die of Covid-19

    I. Medved is a professor of psychology at The American University of Paris and an adjunct professor ... of psychology at the University of Manitoba, Canada. A health psychologist with experience in ... clinical and neuropsychology, she was chair of Psychological Services at West Park Healthcare Centre in ...

  8. Learning Laboratory: Prof. Maria Medved on how women are impacted by COVID-19

    Professor Maria Medved Maria I. Medved is a professor of psychology at The American University of Paris and ... an adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Manitoba, Canada. A health psychologist with ... experience in clinical and neuropsychology, she was chair of Psychological Services at West Park Healthcare ...

  9. USC: Fall Semester

    university located in the heart of Paris, France, which offers courses taught in English. AUP’s range of ... Napoleon’s tomb at  l'Hôtel des Invalides. Paris plays a central role in many courses you can choose ... such as courses in art history, political science, or business. The Fall Semester in Paris program ...

  10. A World of Good

    communities and cultures. But they also offer opportunities for students to see academic ideas in action ... Department of Global Communications was closely involved in establishing the practicum. “We were thinking ... “The practicum was one of the key courses that sparked my interest in attending AUP,” says Faith Toran G’18. While ...
