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  1. Made From. Reconsidering material global flows in Fashion

    none This session is part of our annual theme  Deconstructing the history of Parisian fashion: towards a dehierarchical narrative The history of Paris fashion has largely been told as a story of high fashion, of individual creativity and genius, of exclus ...

  2. The Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace: When victims meet their aggressors

    none Prof Sharon Weill and the Justice lab are happy to invite you to an open lecture on Transitional Justice in Colombia addressing the challenges of restorative justice in the context of mass crimes.  In 2016, Colombia ended 50 years of war with FARC wi ...

  3. Cambodia: War & Beauty Grand Opening

    none Cambodia: War and Beauty Photographic Exhibition at AUP AUP presents a photo exhibition entitled “ Cambodia: War and Beauty ” by award winning documentary filmmaker/anthropologist, and AUP module professor, Dr. David A. Feingold. This exhibition laun ...

  4. Cambodia: War & Beauty Exhibition

    none   Cambodia: War and Beauty Photographic Exhibition at AUP AUP presents a photo exhibition entitled “ Cambodia: War and Beauty ” by award winning documentary filmmaker/anthropologist, and AUP module professor, Dr. David A. Feingold. This exhibition la ...

  5. Book Launch/Workshop/Public Discussion The Justice Laboratory: International Law in Africa

    none Join professors Carlson & Rosengarten and several AUP students for a discussion/debate regarding the development of international law across Africa, followed by refreshments.   100 Related Links The Justice Lab Professor Kerstin Calrson ...

  6. An Afghan in Paris and Why Afghanistan Matters

    none THE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS  A organization that awards scholarships to study at  AUP invites you to an event to better understand Afghanistan and a role played by our Center   AN AFGHAN IN PARIS AND WHY AFGHANISTAN MATTE ...

  7. Made By. Repenser la notion de travail & le rôle de l’immigration dans la mode/Made By. Rethinking Labour&Immigration in Fashion

    none Séminaire de recherche Cultures et Histoires de Mode THÈME 2022/2023: DÉCONSTRUIRE LA NOTION DE "MODE PARISIENNE": VERS UN RÉCIT DÉHIÉRARCHISÉ Séance du 1er décembre 2022 Cette séance s'inscrit dans notre thématique annuelle Déconstrui ...

  8. Lisa Robertson Reading

    none Poet and novelist Lisa Robertson will read from her novel The Baudelaire Fractal Robertson has written numerous books of poetry, fiction, and essays. Her collections of poetry include 3 Summers (Coach House Books, 2016); R’s Boat (University of Calif ...

  9. Conférences francophones: Shumona Sinha

    none (English below) Nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir l'écrivaine franco-bengalie, Shumona Sinha, qui présentera son dernier livre "L'autre nom du bonheur était français" (Gallimard, no. 2022) et parlera de sa relation à la lang ...

  10. Fashion Talk: Between Knoweldge & Action – Dr Samira Iran: "Exploring the Knowledge-Action Gap in the Fast Fashion Industry"

    none Exploring the Knowledge-Action Gap in the Fast Fashion Industry According to recent data, the adult population in Germany collectively possesses approximately 5.2 billion garments, out of which two billion remain unused or seldom worn. Other European ...
