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Search results

  1. Film Screening: Wood and Water (Jonas Bak, 2021)

    none Film at AUP is delighted to present a special film screening of Wood and Water in Monttessuy Center for the Arts, for what will be the film's première screening in Paris. Director Jonas Bak and producer Charlotte Lelong will be in attendance for ...

  2. Kimetha Vanderveen Opening

    none April 25th from 18h00 to 20h30 there will be an opening in the Combes Gallery with wine and cheese of Kimetha Vanderbeen’s exhibition “Perceptions.” 100 Fixed-50px space ...

  3. Fashion Industry Talks: Professional Perspectives – "Leather up! How to make fashion accessories more sustainable" by V. Dast & A. Harwood

    none Image 0 By co-creating their collection of fashion accessories according to the principles of saddlery leather goods, Victor Dast &am ...

  4. Jordan Salama presents Every Day the River Changes

    none Jordan Salama is a resident writer on staff for National Geographic who has written essays on climate change, letter-writing, and American Jewish life, tracked down Syrian traveling salesmen in the Andes, covered Lionel Messi and the Argentina nation ...

  5. Vernissage: Dimitri Hadzi and Cynthia Hadzi

    none In the autumn of 2019, The American University of Paris received a donation from the estate of Mrs. Evelyn Berezin of more than twenty works of art created by the Greek American artist, Dimitri Hadzi. An exhibition in the Combes Gallery of Dimitri Ha ...

  6. Made for. Reassessing Fashion in Everyday Lives

    none Image 0 This session is part of our annual theme Deconstructing the history of Parisian fashion: towards a dehierarchical narrative. The history of P ...

  7. Rebecca Stone G’23 is AUP’s 2023 IAPP Westin Scholar Award Recipient

    The American University of Paris is pleased to announce its 2023 IAPP Westin Scholar Award recipient as Rebecca Stone G’23, who recently graduated with an MSc in Human Rights and Data Science (HRDS). Rebecca’s commitment to data protection and privacy, al ...

  8. Documentary Poetry, Popular Protest and Activism- An International Poetry and Poetics Seminar

    Credit: Anarchistes, 1936, courtesy of the BNF Co-Directors Geoff Gilbert and William Dow The American University of Paris hosts a documentary poetry conference from 15-17 June 2023 on its campus in Paris, France. This conference is supported by the Cente ...

  9. A Reading by Eleni Sikelianos and Laird Hunt

    Join the AUP Community and the Summer Creative Writing Institute of The American University of Paris for a reading by Eleni Sikelianos and Laird Hunt. Please register by emailing: bdwibedy   About Eleni Sikelianos: Born in California on Walt Whit ...

  10. 14 AUP Artists

    Please join us for the celebration of the vernissage in the presence of the exhibiting artists: Ana Pranjic Anusic, Mano Banduwardena, Jennifer Dixey, Kevin Dixey, Denise Geney, Pascale Guibout, Donatella Jackson, Sandra Lefaure, Randa Massot, Lily Servel ...
