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Search results

  1. Made Again: Le recyclage dans la mode parisienne, des collectionneurs et revendeurs de vêtements du XIXe siècle au recyclage et à la seconde main

    Made Again. Le recyclage dans la mode parisienne, des collectionneurs et revendeurs de vêtements du XIXe siècle au recyclage et à la seconde main d’aujourd’hui. Cette séance s'inscrit dans notre thématique annuelle Déconstruire la notion de la mode p ...

  2. Shaping History Beyond Words- A graphic Artist’s Perspective

    In this inaugural conference for our second edition of the graphic novel Festival (FESTIVAL BD), (“La BD dans le Tumulte de l’Histoire: Résistances, Révolutions ”), Sara Lomuscio will introduce (in english) the captivating realm of graphic storytelling an ...

  3. Educide in Gaza

    What are the definitions of Ecocide, Urbicide, Domicide, Culturicide and Educide? Why do these definitions apply to the Gaza war? Why do many international humanitarian and human rights organizations, UN officials, and thousands of scholars consider this ...

  4. Symposium on Fashion Communication for Socio-Ecological Transformation

    Registration to attend the Symposium in-person is now closed. To participate online, please visit the symposium website or download the Virtual Attendee Access Guide here. If you are an AUP student and still wish to attend in-person, you are welcome to jo ...

  5. Les Conférences francophones: « Le jury terroir et la roue des arômes du Comté: goûter la diversité »

    S’il vous plaît, étant donné qu'une dégustation est impliquée, il est important de s'inscrire à la conférence ci-dessous. (Sinon, nous ne pourrons pas garantir qu'il y aura suffisamment de fromage pour tout le monde... et ce serait dommage. ...

  6. Caring Futures: Contradictions, Transformation, and Revolutionary Possibilities

    This hybrid conference seeks to bring together artists, activists, and scholars from a range of perspectives, disciplines, modalities, and methods to explore how we can revolutionize the way we care. Care is an emerging and contentious focus across the di ...

  7. Kings & Queens 13: Gift Giving and Communication Networks

    Kings & Queens 13 will be held from May 27 to 29, 2024, with the first two days reserved for the conference opening and scholarly proceedings to take place at The American University of Paris. ​The Organizing Committee is currently working on a third ...

  8. Film Screening: Missing in Brooks County

    The Film Studies program is delighted to announce the screening of the documentary film Missing in Brooks County, with the presence of the director Lisa Molomot, on Thursday September 26. The screening will take place in the Olivia De Havilland Lecture Th ...

  9. Conférence francophone: Transpoétiques chinoises et japonaises: (im)permanences holistiques francophones

    Charlène Clonts est Maître de Conférences (准教授) en littératures de langue française à Kyushu University, Japon. Ses publications sont centrées sur la poétique, la poésie et les arts, les espaces et les médiations aux XXe-XXIe siècles. Elle est spécialisée ...

  10. The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2024: On Grief, Exnovation and the Power of Mutual Learning

    ‘grief is not the end of things but rather the dark substrate from which great things can emerge.’ Nick Cave (2024) The Red Hand Files, Issue #287, June Which practices, ideas and expectations do we need to let go? Which ones are not realistic, timely or ...
