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Search results

  1. Professor Sharon Weill Receives Grant to Study French Asylum Courts

    an Associate Professor in the Department of History and Politics and a coordinator of AUP’s Justice ... multidisciplinary research collaboration with other CNRS academics. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for students to ...

  2. Fashion Talks at AUP: How Kim Hou Gets Workers’ Voices Heard

    Studies team in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture. ABOUT A WORKER is a fashion laboratory ...

  3. AUP’s Georgi Stojanov on Technology and Cognitive Ability

    Department of Computer Science, Math and Environmental Science. The lecture series, titled “Technology and ...

  4. Post-Truth Scholar Jayson Harsin Wins Peer-Reviewed Award

    Chair of AUP’s Department of Communication, Media and Culture, has won the International Award for ...

  5. A Day with Writer-in-Residence Tinashe Mushakavanhu

     (2023). Related Links Center for Writers and Translators Comparative Literature and English Department ...

  6. How the GPS Program Helps Students Speak Up

    higher education, placing personal development on a par with academic achievement in preparing for ... program satisfies the experiential learning requirement of the core academic curriculum. “We want GPS to ... be an integral part of AUP’s academic culture,” explains Lilyana Yankova, GPS Program Manager.  ...

  7. Dr. Baz Dreisinger: Journeying to Justice: Reflections on Global Prisons

    specializing in American and African-American studies. At John Jay she is the Founding Academic Director of ... John Jay's Prison-to-College Pipeline program, which offers college courses and re-entry planning ...

  8. AUP Professors Appointed Co-Chairholders for a UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights

    rights law and is a professor in the Department of History and Politics, and directs both the Master’s in ... Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Environmental Science.  The UNESCO Chair establishment is for ...

  9. Elizabeth Cleveland

    Communications Intern for the US Department of State at the US Mission to the OECD. As she juggled a variety of tasks ... company/organization are you currently interning with? I interned for the US Department of State at the US Mission to ... posts across the world. In working with the folks at the Department of Energy, I acted as logistical ...

  10. MA in Diplomacy and International Law Career Outcomes

    throughout the duration of your studies. This, together with the rigorous academic training, can lead to jobs ... Recent Graduate Destinations Company City Position City of Chicago Department of Law Chicago Law Clerk ...
