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  1. Chine et Etats Unis

    none Dans le cadre de ses cycles annuels thématiques, la Fondation Prospective et Innovation a retenu de suivre la première année de la présidence de Joe Biden. Elle le fera en privilégiant la relation des États-Unis et le monde émergent (en particulier l ...

  2. Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation with Rebecca Hale

    none Video 0 none Session 1: "Challenges and considerations involved in evaluating the impact of Holocaust education programs" Speaker:  Rebecca Hale, UCL Centre for Holocaust Education Many teachers a ...

  3. Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation with Chana Teeger

    none Session 4: Role Playing Racism: History Teaching and the Limits of Experiential Learning Speaker: Chana Teeger, London School of Economics This paper points to the limits of experiential learning when teaching about histories of racism and discrimina ...

  4. Prof. Annabelle Lever (Sciences Po Paris): Democracy in Selection

    none Should we replace elections with lotteries?  Bernard Manin’s famous book on representative government first taught many of us that the Greeks thought of elections as an aristocratic, not a democratic, way to select people for political power and auth ...

  5. Fiction Writing Workshop with Rosa Rankin-Gee

    YOUR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED The AUP community is invited to attend an open Fiction Writing Workshop with special guest speaker and author Rosa Rankin-Gee. This in-person event is in partnership with The Center for Writers and Translators. A link to join ...

  6. Imaginaries of contemporary conflicts: engaging with the War in Ukraine on TikTok

    none MCGC Working Paper Series presents research in progress by AUP scholars Noemie Oxley and Fatima Aziz, with an external discussant to be announced. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links MCGC at AUP ...

  7. MCGC Working Paper Series: recent books in feminist media studies, Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet

    none Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet will be drawing from their recent book publications and work in progress.   Josiane Jouet: is Professor emeritus, université de Paris Panthéon-Assas. Her most recent book is Numérique, féminisme et société, (Presses des ...

  8. Vernissage: Dimitri Hadzi and Cynthia Hadzi

    none In the autumn of 2019, The American University of Paris received a donation from the estate of Mrs. Evelyn Berezin of more than twenty works of art created by the Greek American artist, Dimitri Hadzi. An exhibition in the Combes Gallery of Dimitri Ha ...

  9. A Conversation with Author Juan Gabriel Vásquez

    Colombian author  Juan Gabriel Vásquez  - "one of the most impressive novelists currently writing in Latin America" (TLS)- will participate in a conversation with students about his latest novel,  The Retrospective. Juan Gabriel Vásquez's b ...

  10. What is Ecofeminism? A debate with Catherine Larrère

    The term "ecofeminism" is at the center of many contemporary debates, even though its origins are far from recent. Coined through the fusion of "ecology" and "feminism," this term is often attributed to Françoise d'Eaubo ...
