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Search results

  1. II Festival de la Bande dessinée opening with artist Sara Lomuscio

    After a hugely successful first year, we are thrilled to welcome the II Festival de BD (French Comics and Graphic Novels Festival) back to campus, organized by Professor Anne-Marie Picard, the French Department, and the Library. This year’s topic is   La ...

  2. Educide in Gaza

    What are the definitions of Ecocide, Urbicide, Domicide, Culturicide and Educide? Why do these definitions apply to the Gaza war? Why do many international humanitarian and human rights organizations, UN officials, and thousands of scholars consider this ...

  3. Cahiers Series: Mercy, Athena

    The CWT presents: Andrea Applebee The Chaiers Series- Mercy, Athena Having arrived from the United States to make a new life in Greece, Andrea Applebee gives a vivid account of the challenges and pleasures that await her as she learns a new language and m ...

  4. Les Conférences francophones: « Le jury terroir et la roue des arômes du Comté: goûter la diversité »

    S’il vous plaît, étant donné qu'une dégustation est impliquée, il est important de s'inscrire à la conférence ci-dessous. (Sinon, nous ne pourrons pas garantir qu'il y aura suffisamment de fromage pour tout le monde... et ce serait dommage. ...

  5. Increasing Accountability and Reducing Polarization through Evaluative Voting with Dr. Pierre Etienne Vandamme

    The Center for Critical Democracy Studies presents: Increasing Accountability and Reducing Polarization through Evaluative Voting with Dr. Pierre-Etienne Vandamme (UC Louvain). Abstract: Outside of social choice theory, philosophical reflection on voting ...

  6. Ethical Use of Digital Archives

    As the capabilities of digital technology increase, so do the number and complexity of digital archives that collect and preserve testimonies from witnesses of mass violence. These simultaneous developments give rise to many questions for archivists, rese ...

  7. Public Memory and the Shoah

    ‘ The efficacy of memory practices for social betterment is most often taken axiomatically and uncritically as an established fact. This interdisciplinary workshop launched a discussion with scholars and practitioners from multiple disciplines and perspec ...

  8. L’atelier de théorie politique Paris

    L’atelier de théorie politique Paris  (ATPP) est un lieu ouvert à diverses approches de la théorie et de la philosophie politiques, qui valorise la mise à l’épreuve argumentée de réflexions actuelles, situées à la frontière des sciences politiques, des sc ...

  9. There and back again: Olfactory research with King penguins and life in the sub-Antarctic

    Dr. Gregory Cunningham is a Professor of Biology at St. John Fisher University in Rochester, NY and a Visiting Professor in the Computer Science, Mathematics and Environmental Science Department at AUP. His area of expertise pertains to studying how birds ...

  10. A Conversation with Peace Activists about the Israeli-Palestinian War in Gaza

    Amidst the catastrophic loss of life in the current war between Israel and Palestine, a political settlement is more remote than ever. Nearly two decades have elapsed since the end of the peace process. Open-ended lethal violence deepens the enmity betwee ...
