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  1. Reset Printing Credit Procedure

    (please refer to the Academic Calendar) of each semester. IT Services Level of indentation:  1 Document ...

  2. GR5093 Global Workplace Cultures: Internship Seminar

    students in how to integrate academic theory with practical experience and expand their understanding of ...

  3. Health Care Plan- Reimbursement

    to the Health Office or upload them directly on the MSH website. Ask the Health Office for ... assistance. 100 STUDENTS WITH FRENCH SOCIAL SECURITY* Come by the Health Office with your claims, ...

  4. The Film Studio

    front desk of the Combes building by showing the written approval sent by the Multimedia office  For ... more information, contact the Multimedia office at:  itservices 01 40 62 08 19  Equipment ... Light meter  Additional equipment can be checked out at the Multimedia office, QO-502, via the Equipment ...

  5. Oona Doyle Conquers Art World

    a university exchange program in New York while completing her studies. “It was a mind-changing experience for ... me to be in New York where I was able to meet other people studying literature and the arts and also ... launch a truly international career in the art world. Academics Fine Arts Art History Miscellaneous AUP’s ...

  6. Graduate Program Review Board

    ex officio member. The Board elects its own Chair at the first meeting of the academic year, and ... President Marion Ranoux Academic Affairs Tara Myer Loeve Academic Affairs ...

  7. Budget Committee

    and discusses academic budgetary priorities for the University, and reviews the academic implications ... deemed necessary. The Administration assists the Budget Committee by providing academic budgetary ...

  8. Alumni Soirée in New York

    contact us at alumni 100 Related Links Alumni Affairs Office ...

  9. AUP Alumni Holiday Bash

    Alumni Affairs Office ...

  10. Alumni Paris Chapter Coffee Tasting at Belleville Brûlerie

    Links Alumni Affairs Office ...
