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  1. Entrepreneurship & Starting a Business in France

    Center. Registration is required for alumni to be admitted to the building. Local Alumni Panel: Omar ... align-center width-40 ...

  2. CM3062 Media Semiotics

    students to theories of semiotics as they are applied to mass media. Semiotics is the study of ... meaning-making; we will study how meaning is made from media. We will study a range of media forms, including ...

  3. Our Ambitions

    interdependence, and to act ethically and lead decisively. Our newly launched research centers focus on ... interaction and faculty mentoring of student projects is at the heart of each center.   AUP Ascending: ... campaign to raise funds for: 100 3 columns Each campaign pillar–Campus, Centers, Community–stands for an ...

  4. U.S. Tax Information

    tax adviser with questions about filing taxes. For information about tax credits or about filing taxes please ...

  5. Counseling Program- Policies, Procedures and Confidentiality

    academic pursuits. With this in mind, in addition to the legal obligations stated above, there are some ... personal or academic life. 3. Release of confidentiality: In the case of a referral to another professional ...

  6. The AUP Annual Film Festival

    support our film studies department and for an entertaining evening of cinema, we hope to see you there! ... The festival begins at 18:00 in Combes 102-104. 100 Related Links AUP Film Studies Department Read ...

  7. FR3053 Politics In France

    FR3053 Politics In France Studies France's ... a technologically sophisticated industrial democracy and a major international power. Studies France's ...

  8. GS3004 Communicating Fashion

    when dress and grooming become the basis for the modern phenomena of fashion. Studies the historical ... advertising and marketing in the global fashion industry. GS (Gender Studies) ...

  9. HI3006 Vienna, 1800-1918

    HI3006 Vienna, 1800-1918 Studies Vienna's ... development. Some readings are: Freud, Roth, Schnitzler, Zweig. Includes a study trip to Vienna. HI (History) ...

  10. PO2015 Comparative Politics

    students to the comparative study of politics, focusing on political behavior and the structures and ... practices that political systems have in common and those that distinguish them. We study different forms of ...
