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  1. Podcast: Water Is Not Just Water

    for privatizing and commodifying a resource that should be a basic human right, for turning people ... natural waters in their myriad guises. 100 Access all Episodes align-center width-100 Video ...

  2. Academic Catalog/Handbook

    Course Catalog none This handbook is the university's academic catalog that houses all of the ...

  3. Scholarship Winners on Campus

    Hera Soysal centered none Image ... senate meetings, which help our student body access resources and carry out campus activities smoothly. ... to live and study in such a beautiful, historic city.   Funding Futures Scholarships allow students ...

  4. Bipin Indurkhya on the Ethics of Using AI in Psychotherapy

    studying for AUP’s MSc in Human Rights and Data Science. 100 Register for the Next Event align-center ... by the office of AUP President Celeste M. Schenck, invites speakers to participate in live online ...

  5. Paris Through Its Museums

    museums as the principal teaching resource. With the guidance of expert faculty, students study the ... Every summer, students from around the world flock to AUP for an immersive study experience in Paris. ... credits while many more are students from other universities wanting to discover Paris through a study ...

  6. AUP Students Travel to Fes, Morocco

    students to study in the ancient city of Fes, Morocco as part of our Cultural Program Study Trips. Our ... 0 For the first time in the history of this particular study trip, students were able to go behind ... guarded doors and explore the ancient waterways of Fes. centered 100 Feature Fixed-50px space Our students ...

  7. Fellowships, Grants and Scholarships

    The Center offers a number of fellowships, grants and scholarships to fund research and teaching ...

  8. EN1000 Principles Of Academic Writing

    EN1000 Principles Of Academic Writing Emphasizes ... excellent academic writing: sharpening critical thinking skills, organizing ideas, choosing appropriate and ...

  9. Academic Registration Requirements

    16 Maximum length 6 months within the same organization (per academic year)   100 ...

  10. Tony Hung ’18

    your most enduring memory of your time at AUP?  Working at both the Academic Resource Center (ARC) and ... the ARC align-center width-40 My advice to students would be to maximize your time with all the ...
